Important Upcoming Stat Holidays – Winter & Spring 2019


The first calendar quarter of 2019 offers companies and their employees a fresh start to planning vacations and coordinating time around stat holidays. In 2019, the stat holiday picture is also going to look a little different for Canadian employers – especially those in British Columbia.

With Family Day now moving to align with the rest of Canada and the Federal Government announcing the new date for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation at the end of September, companies have to make some extra plans to adjust workforce coverage, vacation times, payroll schedules and more to be ready.

Speaking of being ready, it is a good opportunity in February to look ahead to spring and early summer to be prepared for upcoming stat holidays in 2019.

Upcoming Stat Holidays

For most Canadian employees the big stat holiday in February will be Family Day, which falls on Monday, February 18th. As we had mentioned in our previous stat holiday update, Family Day in BC has officially moved to be in line with the rest of the country which means that it will be a particularly busy time for travellers.

Coming up in March there is one holiday on the calendar. Although not a stat holiday in most regions in the country, St. Patrick’s Day is observed as a stat holiday in Newfoundland & Labrador – which will certainly leave many green with envy elsewhere in the country.

After the official start to spring, the next big time for stat holidays in 2019 will be in April for Good Friday (April 19th) which is a stat holiday for all provinces except Quebec (in Quebec either Good Friday or Easter Monday can be considered a paid stat holiday at the employer’s discretion).

One very popular question (and source of confusion) is whether Easter Monday is a stat holiday?

The answer: it depends on who you work for.

For Federal workers, Easter Monday is a stat holiday, however for most other provinces it is not. It is considered a stat holiday, however, in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and at the option of an employer in Quebec.

For many Canadians, the unofficial start to summer rolls around in May on Victoria Day which falls on Monday May 20th. This is typically an exciting long weekend for families with many choosing to travel.

New Stat Holiday in 2019: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

As mentioned in our previous stat holiday post, the Canadian government had announced the creation of a new statutory holiday focused on reconciliation with Indigenous Canadians. Earlier this month, the Canadian government formally announced Monday, September 30th as the official date for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

The date for this new Canadian stat holiday also falls on Orange Shirt Day, a day which recognizes the struggles faced by indigenous peoples in Canada in residential schools. It will be an important milestone in the calendar that recognizes a dark chapter in the country’s history and it will be important to approach the recognition of this holiday with solemnity. (Update August 12, 2019: Holiday is not going ahead as planned.)

What Happens if you Need to Find Temporary Staff Quickly?

Whether you are getting organized in anticipation of upcoming staffing gaps during holidays or find yourself needing to get temporary employees right away, TPD can assist you with planning or delivery of any of your temporary staffing needs. Contact us and one of our team members can help you further.

Remember, holidays are important times in the year for everyone to take a break and connect with loved ones as well as to reflect on important issues that these days may represent.

As with many things related to workforce management, a little bit of planning and knowing that you’ve got a solid backup plan in case the unexpected happens means that your team can rest a little easier and make the most of their time off.

Upcoming Stat Holidays – Winter to Spring 2019



Day Observed

Region Observed

Feb. 18th, 2019

Family Day

Monday, Feb. 18, 2019


Mar. 17th, 2019

St. Patrick’s Day

Sunday, Mar. 17, 2019

Newfoundland & Labrador

Apr. 19th, 2019

Good Friday

Friday, Apr. 19, 2019

All except QC

Apr. 22nd, 2019

Easter Monday

Monday, Apr. 22, 2019


May 20th, 2019

Victoria Day

Monday, May 20, 2019

All except NS, PE, QC

Resources for More Information on Canadian Stat Holidays