Success in the New Year with Effective Employee Goal-Setting



The start of the new year generally sees many people setting new goals and resolutions for themselves. So too is the case with organizations, as this is the perfect time to help staff with goal-setting in the workplace.

Employee goal-setting and review can be a daunting task, but with a clear road map and frequent communication, employers can help their workforce set practical resolutions that can benefit all parties involved. Read on for tips on how to set your team up for success with effective goal-setting.

Company Alignment

When helping their team set new professional goals within the workplace, managers should ensure that these goals are ultimately tied to the company’s overall growth strategy for optimal effectiveness. In fact, “of companies who have effective performance management systems, 91 percent say that employees’ goals are linked to business priorities.” When an individual’s career objectives align with a company’s overall business objectives, employees gain a deeper understanding of how their responsibilities fit into a bigger picture which can lead to better focus at work.

A great starting point when helping your staff determine new ambitions for the new year is by analyzing their performance from the past year. Past performance can provide guidance when it comes to choosing new goals that are attainable, while also enabling employers to create realistic KPI’s to ensure organizational success.

Another way companies can ensure the alignment of their workers’ objectives with company targets is through professional development programs. These programs will help individuals attain the additional skills and knowledge needed to further their careers, while also making them more well-rounded in their current position.


In order for your team to set effective objectives, it is important that each member is involved in the goal-setting process from start to finish. They should be encouraged to be collaborative and share ideas relating to their professional growth and development.

These targets should also be catered to the person’s specific role, responsibilities, and development. To help with this, managers should establish open and honest communications to better understand their workers’ strengths and weaknesses.

It can be extremely beneficial for businesses when individual members of the workforce are involved in setting measures for their performance. Employees, as a result, develop a deeper understanding of the expectations of their role and they are more engaged and accountable in working towards their targets.

Realistic & Attainable

It’s important that goals are challenging enough that no one is left feeling bored or stagnant. However, these objectives should still remain practical and attainable. If goals are unrealistic, there could be negative repercussions, such as decreased engagement and morale, which can lead to burnout.

To prevent burnout, many companies use the SMART framework when developing individual objectives for the new year. This ensures that goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, while also remaining personalized.

When developing realistic and attainable goals, athlete Rachel Cliff suggests breaking your overall objective into benchmarks and intermittent goals. Much like training for a marathon, benchmarks and constant re-evaluation are crucial for ensuring that you’re on the right track towards attaining your targets in the workplace.

Consistent Review

Be mindful that goals aren’t set in stone and are constantly evolving; objectives may need to be adapted to reflect environmental changes within the company or the market. Feedback and review should be an ongoing process, so goals should be revisited and refreshed on a frequent basis. While most companies operate on a 12-month performance review schedule, it is suggested that employers check in with their staff at least once per quarter.

Constant review will provide constructive feedback that will ensure that everyone is on the right track. At the same time, consistent review would also allow managers the ability to recognize and reward those who have achieved or exceeded their goals, which can set a good example for others to follow.

A Clear Vision for the New Year 

When successfully implemented, a well-structured road map towards professional growth and development can be advantageous for both a company and its workforce. It keeps both parties accountable, which can help improve team morale and performance, strengthen organizational operations, and enhance a business’s reputation. As a result, these factors can reduce absenteeism, while also positively impacting referrals, hiring, and retention. 

If you’re looking for expert assistance in developing and implementing effective goal-setting or performance review programs, the experts at TPD are happy to help. Feel free to reach us here, or call us at 1.888.685.3530.