Important Upcoming Holidays – Winter & Spring 2020



There is much to look forward to as we make our way through the first quarter of this new decade, with the winter chill slowly wearing off, flowers starting to bloom, and the days getting seemingly longer (Daylight Savings happens on March 8th, so don’t forget to move those clocks an hour forward).

As spring break generally occurs in the month of March, and all major upcoming Canadian and US holidays fall either on a Friday or a Monday, companies will likely receive vacation requests from employees who wish to plan a short trip or simply have an extended long weekend. To prepare for this, it’s important that your company has effective plans and policies for schedule adjustments and expected absences.

Upcoming Canadian Statutory Holidays

The next upcoming stat holiday in this quarter is Family Day on February 17th. This holiday is recognized in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and New Brunswick. Family Day represents a great time for families to enjoy the rest of the winter season by hitting the slopes, so it’s a good idea to plan for vacation requests around the Family Day long weekend.

Good Friday occurs on April 10th and is an important day for those who practice the Christian faith. Easter Monday follows shortly after on April 13 and, while it is not a statutory holiday in any province or territory, non-federally regulated employers in Quebec must treat either Good Friday or Easter Monday as a statutory holiday, though some give their staff both days off. Companies can expect employees to ask for time off on Easter Monday, as the long weekend presents a great opportunity to take a short trip during the spring season.

Finally, Victoria Day is on May 18th and acts as a celebration to honour Queen Victoria’s birthday. While it is a statutory holiday for federally regulated workers and banks, the status of this holiday and the entitlement to a paid day-off varies depending on regions.

Upcoming Holidays in Canada

 Holiday  Date Observed  Region Observed
Family Day February 17, 2020 BC, AB, SK, ON, NB
Good Friday April 10, 2020 National
Easter Monday April 13, 2020 QC
Victoria Day May 18, 2020 All except NB, NS, NL, PEI


Upcoming US Public Holidays

President’s Day takes place on February 17th to honor George Washington, and can also be referred to as Washington’s Birthday or Washington’s and Lincoln’s Birthday in varying states. Organizational planning for this particular holiday will vary depending on region, as it is not recognized in nine different states.

Next up, Good Friday occurs on April 10th. This holiday is only recognized in certain regions and organizational planning should reflect this. Similar to Canada, businesses that are located in states that observe this holiday can expect their staff to put in vacation requests for Easter Monday in order to extend their weekend.

Lastly, May 25th represents Memorial Day, a day to remember those who have died serving in the US military. Because this holiday falls on a Monday, the weekend leading up to it is often referred to as Memorial Day weekend and can be viewed as an unofficial start of summer. This timeframe can be popular for time-off requests, as many host outdoor events and picnics.

Upcoming Holidays in the US

 Holiday  Date Observed  Region Observed
President’s Day February 17, 2020 All except DE, FL, IA, KS, KY, LA, NC, RI, WI
Good Friday April 10, 2020 CT, DE, HI, IN, KY, LA, NC, ND, NJ, TN, TX
Memorial Day May 25, 2020 National


Need Temporary Staff Quickly?

As we shift from winter to spring, there are a number of statutory holidays that will prompt time-off requests. Having qualified staff cover these expected absences is an important step towards maintaining a productive and effective business.

If you require any assistance with finding temporary staffing or maximizing your time-off procedures, the experts at TPD are happy to help. Feel free to get in touch with us here, or by phone at 1.888.685.3530.

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