Important Upcoming Holidays – Fall 2019


The third quarter of the year tends to bring crisp, cool days, falling leaves, and the cozy sweaters out of drawers and closets. With many employees returning from summer holidays, the kids back at school, and increasingly variable weather conditions, preparing for an influx of vacation requests may not necessarily be at the top of the list for many organizations. 

However, fall also represents a kickoff to the festive season, with a number of important upcoming Canadian statutory holidays and US public holidays to plan for. Having policies and plans in place for employee absences, especially around stat holidays, is a great way to ensure that your organization isn’t “left out in the cold” this autumn.

Upcoming Canadian Statutory Holidays

Labour Day signals the official start of the “Back to School” season across Canada. Taking place on September 2nd this year, this statutory holiday celebrates the achievements of workers and the labour union movement. Many families also use this stat holiday to squeeze in a last-minute trip before the start of the school year, so it’s typically also known as a hectic holiday, travel-wise.

Next is Thanksgiving Day on October 14th. Falling on the second Monday of October, this day is recognized as a statutory holiday throughout most of Canada, with the exception of the Atlantic provinces of Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland & Labrador, where it is considered an optional holiday. In Nova Scotia, Thanksgiving isn’t a paid holiday, however, it is a designated retail closing day, which means that many workers will receive the day off.

Remembrance Day takes place on November 11th, and commemorates members of the armed forces who have died in the line of duty. In 2019, Remembrance Day takes place on a Monday, which means that many employees will receive an additional three-day weekend this season. This holiday is considered to be a statutory holiday nationwide, with the exception of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia.

Upcoming Holidays in Canada


Date Observed

Region Observed

Labour Day

September 2, 2019


Thanksgiving Day

October 14, 2019

All except NB, PEI, NL, NS

Remembrance Day

November 11, 2019

All except MB, ON, QC, NS


Upcoming US Public Holidays

Similar to Canada, Labor Day is a nationally-recognized public holiday in the US, taking place on September 2nd this year. Although this holiday typically marks the end of summer and beginning of fall, there is still plenty of sun to be enjoyed.

Coinciding with Thanksgiving Day in Canada, Columbus Day in the US officially celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas. Although it is considered a public holiday across much of the US, it is not recognized in 17 states, which means that organizational planning for this holiday varies greatly depending on region.

Veterans Day in the US is observed nationwide on November 11th. Just as in Canada, this public holiday recognizes members of the armed forces who died while serving. In 2019, this holiday falls on a Monday, so many organizations will need to plan for an additional three-day weekend.

Lastly, Thanksgiving Day in the US takes place on November 28th this year. Unlike Canada, the US recognizes Thanksgiving Day as a public holiday across all states. 

Upcoming Holidays in the US


Date Observed

Region Observed

Labor Day

September 2, 2019


Columbus Day

October 14, 2019

All except AK, AR, CA, DE, FL, HI, MI, MN, ND, NM, NV, OR, SD, TX, VT, WA, WY

Veterans Day

November 11, 2019


Thanksgiving Day

November 28, 2019



Need Temporary Staff Quickly?

With a number of stat holidays on the calendar this fall season, having qualified staff to cover expected or unexpected absences is an integral step towards ensuring your company continues to run smoothly and efficiently. 

TPD can assist you with all aspects of your temporary staffing needs, whether you’re planning ahead for expected absences, or find yourself in need of temporary staff quickly. Feel free to get in touch with us here, or give us a call at 1.888.685.3530.

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