How to Prepare Your Policies for Temporary Staff in Canada

2019-08 How to Prepare Your Policies for Temporary Staff in Canada-Blog Body

Utilizing temporary staff is a great way to achieve your strategic business goals and get specialized expertise on specific projects. There are a few unique aspects to consider when choosing temporary staffing solutions, so in order to get the best results for your organization, you’ll want to take steps to be prepared. These include being aware of current laws and regulations, offering incentives to interest the right candidates, and creating policies to support an efficient and effective workplace. When it comes to getting the most from your temporary workforce, a little extra preparation can go a long way.

Review the Laws and Legislation

In many organizations, temporary workers play just as large of a strategic role as permanent staff, and are an integral part of the overall business structure. However, it is vital to remember the differences when it comes to employment rules and regulations – the laws that either make your temporary hiring strategy an amazing asset or an unexpected obstacle.

As laws are subject to change, it’s a good idea to continuously review and update your knowledge, and stay informed about the latest changes in the temporary employment landscape. If your organization is making use of temporary help, you’ll want to take steps to ensure that your finance and payroll policies are aligned.

To streamline and simplify your temporary staffing solutions, it’s a good idea to get in touch with an experienced temporary staffing agency such as TPD. Since temporary staff provided by an agency remain employees of that agency, the legislative legwork required from your organization is minimal. In addition, partnering with an agency like TPD means that you’ll always have easy access to the most up-to-date guidelines, classifications, and laws around temporary workers.

Create Opportunities

Now that the legal aspect of temporary employment is clear, it’s time to take a look at the work candidates and determine what policy changes you can make to entice the exact candidate you’ve been picturing. How can you interest the skilled professional you need? One possibility is to offer training on the job. This strategy will help the workers increase their qualifications, build their careers, and gain valuable skills for future positions.

Another option is to cultivate a welcoming and inclusive workplace atmosphere. A great way to start is by establishing clear roles for temporary workers, making sure permanent employees understand why the team is temporarily larger, and ensuring both permanent and temporary employees feel comfortable and supported. Going beyond that and integrating the workers into everyday operations through employee mentoring will help your temporary workers connect with their new workplace, feel valued as members of staff and become more involved in the organization.

Recruiting through an agency such as TPD will help ensure that your temporary staff members align well with your workplace culture right from day one. In a previous blog post, we highlighted the importance of creating a great partnership with a staffing agency, in order to quickly hire skilled temporary employees that are also a great culture fit.

Preparation will make a significant difference when you’re getting ready to welcome temporary employees to your organization. TPD can assist you with every aspect of your company’s temporary staffing solutions, from reviewing and updating policies, to finding candidates with the right skills. Feel free to get in touch with us here, or give us a call at 1.888.685.3530.